Expression of putative Hh target genes in Hh mutants. Bmp4 and ptc1 expression in Hh pathway mutants and WT siblings. (A-C) WT siblings, 48, 72 and 120 hpf. bmp4 is diffusely expressed in the proctodeum and posterior gut. By 120 hpf expression is restricted to the anus. (D) ptc1 expression in mesenchyme surrounding the posterior gut in a WT sibling. (E-G) smu, 48, 72, 120 hpf. Although the morphological defects in the smu posterior gut alter the shape of the bmp4 expression domain, there are no changes in the levels expressed. (H) There is no ptc1 expression around the cloacal region with the loss of all Hh signal transduction in the smu mutant. (I-K) syu, 48, 72, 120 hpf. Expression of bmp4 in the syu mutant is little different to the WT siblings. (L) Some ptc1 expression surrounding the posterior gut remains after the loss of shha in syu mutants.