Fig. S5
(A) Quantification of Raldh2-positive area in multiple immunohistochemistry sections as represented in main text Fig. 4 C and D. Results shown are the average of 4 slides per group. (B and C) Immunohistochemistry for Raldh2 protein in miR-138am fish demonstrates Raldh2 expression (red) overlapping with Tg(flk1-EGFP)s843 (B) in the atrioventricular canal (avc), and Raldh2 overlapping with Tg(cmlc2-ras-EGFP)s843 in the ventricle (v) (C). cmlc2-ras-EGFP expression is localized to the cell membrane of cardiomyocytes. (D and E) In situ hybridization for aldh1a2 demonstrates AVC-restricted expression in control fish (D) but expanded ventricular expression in miR-138mo fish (E). wt, wild-type; pa, pharyngeal arch; a, atrium. |