Expression of smyhc1, smyhc2 and smyhc3 in the juvenile and adult trunk. All panels show trunk transverse cryosections. (A) At 32 dpf smyhc1 (1 to 249 bp) in situ hybridisation shows expression in the lateralis superficialis, while smyhc2 (1 to 324 bp) in situ hybridisation shows colocalisation with smyhc1:gfp in the lateralis superficialis. (B) At 42 dpf, smyhc1:gfp shows colocalisation with slow MyHC S58 antigen in the lateralis superficialis, which is not fast muscle F310 antigen positive. (C) At 42 dpf, smyhc2 (1 to 324 bp) and smyhc3 (1 to 129 bp) in situ hybridisation shows expression in the lateralis superficialis. smyhc1 (1 to 249 bp) in situ hybridisation on adjacent sections failed to detect any expression. (D) Adjacent sections of 22 month post-fertilisation adult with smyhc2 (1 to 324 bp) and smyhc3 (1 to 129 bp) in situ hybridisation showing expression in subsets of the slow MyHC S58 antigen positive, fast muscle F310 antigen negative, lateralis superficialis. smyhc1 (1 to 249 bp) in situ hybridisation on adjacent sections failed to detect any expression throughout the trunk. Scale bars: 25 μm.