chch inhibition results in decreased ectodermal gene expression. Real-time PCR analysis of mesodermal, ectodermal and endodermal markers during late gastrulation in chch-compromised embryos. The mesodermal markers flh, ntl, spt, and tbx6 (A), endodermal markers, mixer and sox17b (A) and ectodermal markers otx2, hoxb1b, sox3, krt8 and gata2 (B) were examined following microinjection of chch-EnR mRNA and chch-ATGMO. Mesodermal markers are increased, endodermal are unaffected while ectodermal marker levels are decreased. Expression of the neural genes otx2 at 90% epiboly (C-D) and 6-somites (E-F) and Six3 at 6-somites (G-H). C-D, G-H are dorsal views. E-F are lateral views.