Whole-mount in-situ hybridization showing the expression of survivin in zebrafish embryos. (a, b): Survivin is expressed diffusely in the developing central nervous system (white arrows) and the axial vasculature (arrowheads) at 26 hpf. Similar expression patterns were seen at 56 hpf (not shown). (b, insert): Coronal section of stained embryos at 26 hpf showing preferential expression of survivin at the vicinity of the dorsal aorta and the developing neural tube (circled). (c, d): Double in-situ hybridization showing remarkably similar expression pattern of survivin (c) and flk1 (d) (blue, dark arrowheads) in relation to that of embryonic hemoglobin-α (brown, white arrowheads). Pictures are representative of at least three separate experiments. NT: Neural Tube; M: Myotome; N: Notochord; Y: Yolk sac extension.