Analysis of cyp11b expression in the adult gonads by in situ hybridization. A: The expression of cyp11b is restricted to presumptive Leydig cells usually found in small clusters among big clusters of spermatocytes. B: Large clusters of presumptive Leydig cells could be found on the edge of the testis. C:cyp11b could not be detected in the ovary. D: Sense probe hybridization on adult testis, showing no nonspecific binding. E,F: Hematoxylin and eosin staining of adult testis and ovary. Black arrowhead, presumptive Leydig cells; black arrow, presumptive Sertoli cells; sc, spermatocytes; sp, spermatid. I, II, and III, stages of oocyte; white arrow, the position of granulosa cells and theca cells.