bMulti-Cilia Cells Start to Differentiate as a Result of Jagged2a-Notch Signaling from 17 ss Onwards(A–C) rfx2 expression in (A) wt embryos, (B) mibta52b mutants, and (C) jagged2a-sp morphants at 15 ss. (D–F) rfx2 expression in (D) wt embryos, (E) mibta52b mutants, and (F) jagged2a-sp morphants at 18 ss. Arrows point to the rfx2 expression in the (A–C) IM and (D–F) pronephric duct. rfx2 staining in the neural tube (arrowheads) indicates the neurogenic phenotype in (B and E) mibta52b mutants compared to that of (A and D) wt embryos. All embryos, anterior to the left. (A–C) are dorsal views; (D–F) are lateral views. Bar scale: 200 μm (A–C) and 100 μm (D–F).