dbh and th expression in 4 dpf cervical sympathetic ganglia of wild type and hands off mutants. Whole-mount in situ hybridizations for dbh (A,B) and th (C,D) as in Fig. 2. dbh and th label sympathetic ganglia. In addition, in the caudal region of the CSG a cluster of more ventrally located chromaffin cells with more intensive staining becomes apparent at 4 dpf (arrowheads). hands off embryos show only very few dbh+ (C) and th+ cells (D), demonstrating that noradrenergic differentiation is prevented in 4 dpf CSG neurons and chromaffin cells. (E) Area of total dbh- and th-expressing cells in hands off mutants compared with wild type. Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m. (Number of embryos analysed: 14 wild type, six mutant for dbh; 12 wild type, seven mutant for th.) (***P<0.001.)