Spatial requirement for pou2. Animal views, if not noted otherwise. (A-M) An asterisk indicates the shield. (F',H,J,L,N) Upper half with and lower half without phase contrast to show the shield, or expression, respectively. (A'-M') Bright-field images of injected living embryos were merged with UV images taken with the same adjustment. (A''-M'') UV images show EGFP expression, corresponding to A'-M'. (A-J) pou2 mRNA injection into ventro-marginal blastomeres of MZspg embryos at early cleavage stages can restore bmp4 expression. (B') bmp4 expression at beginning of shield stage in the wild-type embryo. (K-N) pou2 mRNA injection into dorsal or animal blastomeres of MZspg embryos at early cleavage stages cannot restore bmp4 expression.