Loss of cvl2 only weakly affects chordin/dino mutants. (A-D) Lateral views of 32 hpf embryos; different classes of dino mutants displaying an increasing loss of ventral tail fin tissue (arrows in C,D). Percentages indicate the fraction of embryos displaying the shown tail fin phenotype among uninjected mutants (n=132) and mutants from the same crosses injected with cvl2 MO (n=215). Injection of cvl2 MO2 increases the percentage of dino mutants with class III phenotype, reflecting a stronger dorsalization within the ventral tissue fin tissue. (E,F) krox20 staining, five-somite stage, animal view, anterior leftwards. cvl2 MO1 clearly expands the neuroectoderm in ogontm305 mutants (F, 41/42 embryos), but only has a weak effect in chordin morphants (E, 55/55 embryos), indicating that ventralized traits of chordin can neither be rescued nor enhanced upon loss of Cvl2 function.