Fig. 5

Schweitzer et al., 2005 - Tenascin-C is involved in motor axon outgrowth in the trunk of developing zebrafish
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Fig. 5

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats RNA and protein injections induce retarded growth of ventral motor nerves. Embryos (24 hpf) were labeled with an anti-tubulin antibody; orientation as in Figure 1A. A,D: After injection of fibronectin (FN) 6-8 RNA (A) or FN6-8 protein (D), ventral motor nerves grow unbranched beyond the horizontal myoseptum. B,C,E,F: Injections of EGF repeats RNA (B,C) or protein (E,F) induce retarded extension of ventral motor nerves (arrows). Asterisks in B,F indicate completely missing nerves. Segments with retarded nerves are interspersed with segments containing apparently normal nerves (arrowheads in B,E). The open arrowheads in B and C indicate additional labeling between the ventral trunk and the yolk extension. Scale bar = 50 μm in F (applies to A-F).

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