Expression of Her genes in the zebrafish posterior neuroectoderm. Expression of neurogenin1 (neurog1; A,A′), her9 (B,B′), hes5 (D,D′), and her3 (E,E′) at the one-somite stage, and olig2 (G,G′) and her3 (H,H′) at the three-somite stage. Co-staining with probes for neurog1 and her9 (C,C′, one-somite stage), hes5 and her3 (F,F′, one-somite stage), and olig2 and her3 (I,I′, three-somite stage). Dorsal views of the hindbrain and spinal cord region. (J) Schematic representation of expression profiles of the genes expressed in the proneuronal and inter-proneuronal domains. pm, primary motoneuron; pi, primary interneuron; RB, Rohon Beard neurons. neurog1 and olig2 are expressed in the proneuronal domains (indicated by purple circles, left). hes5 and her4 are also expressed in the proneuronal domains, but not in the cells that express proneural genes (indicated by pink circles, middle). her3 is expressed between the primary motoneurons and interneurons (orange stripes), and her9 is expressed in all the inter-proneuronal domains (orange and yellow stripes, right).