
Previous Names
Although ZFIN verifies reagent sequence data, we recommend that you conduct independent sequence analysis before ordering any reagent.
Genome Resources
Target Location
No data available
Genomic Features
Genomic Feature Affected Genomic Regions
umo39 lepr
zf3068 lepr
zf3583 lepr
Gene expression in Wild Types + CRISPR4-lepr
No data available
Phenotype resulting from CRISPR4-lepr
No data available
Phenotype of all Fish created by or utilizing CRISPR4-lepr
Phenotype Fish Conditions Figures
muscle lepr expression decreased amount, abnormal leprumo39/umo39 (AB) standard conditions Fig. 1 from Hu et al., 2022
male organism liver lepr expression decreased amount, abnormal leprzf3068/zf3068 standard conditions Fig. 4 with image from Yang et al., 2019
whole organism fatty, abnormal leprzf3068/zf3068 increased food availability Fig. 2 from Fei et al., 2017
whole organism increased weight, abnormal leprzf3068/zf3068 increased food availability Fig. 2 from Fei et al., 2017
male organism decreased weight, abnormal leprzf3068/zf3068 standard conditions Fig. 4 with image from Yang et al., 2019
feeding behavior behavioral quality of a process, abnormal leprzf3068/zf3068 increased food availability Fig. 2 from Fei et al., 2017
male organism skeletal muscle decreased mass, abnormal leprzf3068/zf3068 standard conditions Fig. 4 with image from Yang et al., 2019
eating behavior increased frequency, abnormal leprzf3068/zf3068 increased food availability Fig. 2 from Fei et al., 2017
adipose tissue increased amount, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583 increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
adult feeding behavior increased occurrence, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583 increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism increased length, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583 increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism increased mass, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583 increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
male organism liver lepr expression decreased amount, abnormal leprzf3068/+ standard conditions Fig. 4 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism decreased life span, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with imageFig. 6 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism liver neoplastic, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, limited food availability Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism skeletal muscle decreased mass, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism decreased life span, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism skeletal muscle decreased mass, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, limited food availability Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism hepatocellular carcinoma increased amount, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with imageFig. 6 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism decreased life span, abnormal leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism skeletal muscle decreased mass, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with imageFig. 6 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism decreased weight, abnormal leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism decreased life span, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, limited food availability Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism liver neoplastic, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism decreased weight, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
hepatocyte cell population proliferation increased occurrence, exacerbated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism liver neoplastic, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with imageFig. 6 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism decreased weight, abnormal leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, limited food availability Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism hepatocellular carcinoma increased amount, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism hepatocellular carcinoma increased amount, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, limited food availability Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
hepatocyte cell population proliferation increased occurrence, abnormal leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 5 with imageFig. 6 with image from Yang et al., 2019
hepatocyte cell population proliferation increased occurrence, ameliorated leprzf3068/+; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, limited food availability Fig. 5 with image from Yang et al., 2019
male organism decreased life span, exacerbated leprzf3068/zf3068; gz32Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 with image from Yang et al., 2019
adipose tissue increased amount, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; mc4rzf3584/zf3584 increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism increased length, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; mc4rzf3584/zf3584 increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
adult feeding behavior increased occurrence, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; mc4rzf3584/zf3584 increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism increased mass, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; mc4rzf3584/zf3584 increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
blood glucose decreased amount, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
brain oxt expression amount, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
skeletal muscle myoblast decreased width, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
brain prl expression decreased amount, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
adipose tissue decreased amount, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism Ab10-cdh1 labeling decreased amount, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism ab11-mapk labeling increased amount, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism viability, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
brain pomca expression amount, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
adult feeding behavior decreased occurrence, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
liver increased size, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism shortened, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
trunk musculature D-glucose import decreased occurrence, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, chemical treatment by environment: glucosamines Fig. 5 from Fei et al., 2020
brain npy expression amount, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
brain asip2b expression amount, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
larval feeding behavior decreased occurrence, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 3 from Fei et al., 2020
liver D-glucose import increased occurrence, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, chemical treatment by environment: 2-deoxy-D-glucose Fig. 5 from Fei et al., 2020
skeletal muscle myoblast decreased width, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
adipose tissue decreased amount, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism Ab10-cdh1 labeling decreased amount, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism ab11-mapk labeling increased amount, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism viability, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
liver increased size, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
trunk musculature D-glucose import decreased occurrence, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, chemical treatment by environment: glucosamines Fig. 5 from Fei et al., 2020
whole organism shortened, ameliorated leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg increased food availability, chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline Fig. 4 from Fei et al., 2020
liver D-glucose import increased occurrence, abnormal leprzf3583/zf3583; gz26Tg/gz26Tg; gz32Tg/gz32Tg; zf3013Tg/zf3013Tg; zf3581Tg/zf3581Tg chemical treatment by environment: doxycycline, chemical treatment by environment: 2-deoxy-D-glucose Fig. 5 from Fei et al., 2020