- Title
Development of mandibular, hyoid and hypobranchial muscles in the zebrafish: homologies and evolution of these muscles within bony fishes and tetrapods
- Authors
- Diogo, R., Hinits, Y., and Hughes, S.
- Source
- Full text @ BMC Dev. Biol.
Larval musculature of the zebrafish head. Ventrolateral (A, B, showing different angles and certain distinct structures) and dorsal (C) views of immunohistochemical detection of myosin heavy chain in the cephalic muscles of 4-d zebrafish larvae (3.0 mm TL). Anterior to right. D. Confocal images showing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in the muscles adductor arcus palatini, adductor hyomandibulae, dilatator operculi and levator arcus palatini of a 5-d transgenic zebrafish larva expressing a GFP reporter driven from the muscle-specific alpha-actin promoter. Upper and lower panels: XY confocal optical sections through superficial and deep musculature, respectively. Central panel: XZ confocal reconstruction showing the plains of the confocal XY sections. AD-AP, adductor arcus palatini; AD-HYO, adductor hyomandibulae; AD-OP, adductor operculi; ADM, adductor mandibulae; BRM, branchial muscles; DIL-OP, dilatator operculi; HH-INF, hyoideus inferior; HH-SUP, hyoideus superior; HYP, hypaxialis; INTE, interhyoideus; INTM-A, INTM-P, intermandibularis anterior and posteB ADM, adductor mandibulae; BRM, branchial muscles; DIL-OP, dilatator operculi; HH-INF, hyoideus inferior; HH-SUP, hyoideus superiorior; LEV-AP, levator arcus palatini; LEV-OP, levator operculi; LEV-5, levator arcus branchialis 5; OM, ocular muscles; PR-H, protractor hyoideus; PR-PEC, protractor pectoralis; SH, sternohyoideus. |
Late larval musculature of zebrafish head. Ventral (A) and dorsal (B) views of the cephalic muscles of 24-d zebrafish larvae (6.0 mm TL) and lateral (C) and ventral (D) views of the cephalic muscles and of the anterior portion of the body musculature of 24-d zebrafish larvae (6.9 mm TL). A0, A1-OST, A2, A0, AW, sections A0, A1-OST, A2, A0 and Aω of adductor mandibulae complex; AD-AP, adductor arcus palatini; AD-HYO, adductor hyomandibulae; AD-OP, adductor operculi; BRM, branchial muscle; DIL-OP, dilatator operculi; EP, epaxialis; HE, heart; HH-AB, hyoideus abductor; HH-AD, hyoidei adductores; HH-INF, hyoideus inferior; HYP, hypaxialis; INTM-A, intermandibularis anterior; LEV-AP, levator arcus palatini; LEV-OP, levator operculi; LEV-5, levator arcus branchialis 5; PR-H, protractor hyoideus; PR-H-D, PR-H-D, dorsal and ventral parts of protractor hyoideus; SH, sternohyoideus. |
Juvenile musculature of zebrafish head. Ventrolateral (A) and ventral (B) views of the cephalic muscles of 35-d zebrafish larvae (7.4 mm TL). A0, A1-OST, A2, sections A0, A1-OST, and A2 of adductor mandibulae complex; AD-AP, adductor arcus palatini; AD-HYO, adductor hyomandibulae; AD-OP, adductor operculi; DIL-OP, dilatator operculi; HH-AB, hyoideus abductor; HH-AD, hyoidei adductores; HH-INF, hyoideus inferior; HYP, hypaxialis; LEV-AP, levator arcus palatini; LEV-OP, levator operculi; PR-H-D, PR-H-D, dorsal and ventral parts of protractor hyoideus; SH, sternohyoideus. |