Chourrout, Daniel
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Biography and Research Interest
My present address is:
Sars International Centre for
Molecular Marine Biology.
Bergen High Technology Centre
Thormølensgt 55
5020 Bergen, Norway
Tel : 47 55 58 43 13
Fax : 47 55 58 43 05
Sars International Centre for
Molecular Marine Biology.
Bergen High Technology Centre
Thormølensgt 55
5020 Bergen, Norway
Tel : 47 55 58 43 13
Fax : 47 55 58 43 05
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Chourrout D, Guyomard R, Houdebine R, 1986 : High efficiency gene transfer in rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri R.) by microinjection into egg cytoplasm. Aquaculture 51 : 143-150Chevassus B, Devaux A, Chourrout D, Jalabert B, 1988 : Production of YY rainbow trout males by self-fertilization of induced hermaphrodites. Journal of Heredity 79 : 89-92
Diter A, Guyomard R, Chourrout D, 1988 : Gene segregation in induced tetraploid rainbow trout : genetic evidence of preferential pairing of homologous chromosomes. Genome 30 : 547-523
Guyomard R, Chourrout D, Leroux C, Houdebine LM, Pourrain F, 1989 : Integration and germ line transmission of foreign genes microinjected into fertilized trout eggs. Biochimie 71 : 857-863
Tewari R, Michard-Vanhée C, Perrot E, Chourrout D, 1992 : Mendelian transmission, structure and expression of transgenes following their injection into the cytoplasm of trout eggs. Transgenic Research 1: 250-260
Chourrout D, Perrot E, 1992 : No transgenic rainbow trout produced with sperm incubated with linear DNA. Molecular Marine Biology Biotechnology 1: 282-285
Béarzotti M, Perrot E, Michard-Vanhée C, Jolivet G, Attal J, Théron MC, Puissant C, Dréano M, Kopchick JJ, Powell R, Gannon F, Houdebine LM, Chourrout D, 1992 : Gene expression following transfection of fish cells. Journal of Biotechnology 26: 315-325
Nakayama I, Chourrout D, 1993 : Uniparental reproduction demonstrates the inheritance of Robertsonian variations in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum). Copeia 1993(2): 553-557
Nakayama I, Foresti F, Tewari R, Schartl M, Chourrout D, 1994 : Sex chromosome polymorphism and heterogametic males revealed by two cloned DNA probes in the ZW/ZZ fish Leporinus elongatus.
Chromosoma 103: 31-39
Michard-Vanhée C, Chourrout D, Stromberg S, Thuvander A, Pilström L, 1994 : Lymphocyte expression in transgenic trout by mouse immunoglobulin promoter/enhancer. Immunogenetics 40: 1-8
Baroiller JF, Chourrout D, Fostier A, Jalabert B (1995): Temperature and sex chromosomes govern sex-ratios of the mouthbrooding cichlid fish Oreochromis niloticus. Journal of Experimental Zoology 273: 216-223
Joly JS, Bourrat F, Nguyen V, Chourrout D (1997): Ol-Prx 3, a member of a new class of homeobox genes, is unimodally expressed in several domains of the developing and adult CNS of the medakafish (Oryzias latipes). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 94: 12987-12992.
Deschet K, Bourrat F, Chourrout D, Joly JS (1998): Expression domains of the medaka (Oryzias latipes) Ol-Gsh 1 gene are reminiscent of those of clustered and orphan homeobox genes. Dev Genes Evol. 208:235-244.
Joly JS, Kress C, Vandeputte M, Bourrat F, Chourrout D (1999): Irradiation of Fish Embryos Prior to Blastomere Transfer Boosts the Colonisation of their Gonads by Donor-Derived Gametes.
Molecular Reproduction Development, 53:394-397.
Deschet K, Bourrat F, Ristoratore F, Chourrout D, Joly JS (1999) Expression of the medaka (Oryzias latipes) Ol-Rx3 paired-like gene in two diencephalic derivatives, the eye and the hypothalamus.
Mechanims of Development, 83:179-182. .
Nguyen V, Deschet K, Loosli F, Godet F, Joly JS, Wittbrodt J, Chourrout D, Bourrat F (1999) Morphogenesis of the optic tectum in the medaka (Oryzias latipes): a morphological and molecular study, with special emphasis on cell proliferation. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 413:385-404.
Ristoratore F, Carl M, Deschet K, Richard-Parpaillon L, Boujard D, Wittbrodt J, Chourrout D, Bourrat F, Joly JS (1999) The midbrain-hindbrain boundary genetic cascade is activated ectopically in the diencephalon in response to the widespread expression of one of its components, the medaka gene Ol-eng2. Development, 126:3769-3779.
Fu L, Mambrini M, Perrot E, Chourrout D (2000) Stable and full rescue of the pigmentation in a medaka albino mutant by transfer of a 17 kb genomic clone containing the medaka tyrosinase gene. Gene, 241:205-211.