
Kettunen Lab

Lab ID
PI / Directory
Kettunen, Petronella
Contact Person
Kettunen, Petronella
Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology Sahlgrenska Academy University of Gothenburg Gothenburg Sweden
Line Designation
None assigned
Genomic Features
Statement of Research Interest
Current research projects in the Kettunen lab include:
1. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of learning and memory
We are studying the molecular and cellular events that underlie learning. To this end, we are using the zebrafish (Danio rerio) and combining transgenic and molecular methods, behavioral experiments, in vivo calcium imaging and optogenetics.

We are also interested in human memory, memory testing and are associated with the Memory clinic in Mölndal, Sweden. Here, we are responsible for future genetic analysis of the patient material. In addition, Dr Kettunen is the co-director of the Center for Cognitive Medicine in Gothenburg, and organizes an annual PhD course in Learning and memory at University of Gothenburg.

2. Pathways underlying memory impairments and neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s disease
We are interested in understanding how the Alzheimer’s disease-related peptide, amyloid-beta, is preventing memory formation in vivo. We are also studying the processes of amyloid-beta-mediated neurodegeneration and how these can be targeted for drug discovery. This project is supported by Sweden’s innovation agency VINNOVA.

3. The role of neuroinflammation in Alzheimer’s disease
In our preparation, we are able to follow the dynamics of microglia, i.e. the immune cells of the brain, and combine thse experiments with genetical analyses in human patient material. In this way, we hope to increase our understanding of the process of amyloid-beta clearance and the role of inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease. This project is supported by MORE (Mobility for Regional Excellence), Region VästraGötaland.

Within this project we collaborate with the labs of Morten Grøtli (University of Gothenburg) and Joakim Andréasson (Chalmers) to develop new photoprobes to manipulate inflammatory signalling in vivo.

4. Neuronal networks underlying social behavior
In collaboration with the Westberg lab at Sahlgrenska Academy, we are investigating the molecular pathways and transmitter systems underlying social behavior in mice and zebrafish. This project is supported by the Swedish Research Council for Medicine, ALF project funding and the Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden).

5. Treatment strategies for brain tumors
In collaboration with the Carén lab at Sahlgrenska Cancer Center at University of Gothenburg, we use the zebrafish to investigate new treatments for brain tumors.
Lab Members
Landin, Jenny Post-Doc Näslund, Jakob Post-Doc Vindas, Marco A. Post-Doc
Zebrafish Publications of lab members