Phenotype: solid lens vesicle pdgfra expression decreased amount, abnormal
Note: This phenotype statement describes a gene expression or antibody labeling pattern. Anatomy terms are combined with a gene or antibody and phenotype quality.
Name: solid lens vesicle
Synonyms: immature lens, lens mass, lens vesicle, presumptive lens
Definition: Portion of tissue that gives rise to the lens. The lens of the zebrafish forms by delamination of lens placodal cells and not through invagination. This results in a solid spherical mass as opposed to a hollow lens vesicle. Detachment of the solid lens vesicle of zebrafish at 24-26 hpf is accomplished in part by apoptosis, similar to mammals.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0001679]
Symbol: pdgfra
Name: platelet-derived growth factor receptor, alpha polypeptide
Previous Names: pdgfr-a (1), etID309717.20 (1), wu:fc27f02, wu:fv91b12

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Name: decreased amount
Synonyms: decreased, decreased number, present in fewer numbers in organism, reduced, subnumerary
Definition: An amount which is relatively low.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0001997]