Phenotype: dorsal aorta intersegmental vessel GFP expression spatial pattern, abnormal
Note: This phenotype statement describes a gene expression or antibody labeling pattern. Anatomy terms are combined with a gene or antibody and phenotype quality.
Name: dorsal aorta
Synonyms: DA, dorsal aortic root
Definition: Principal unpaired, median artery of the trunk, leading from the paired roots (radices) of the dorsal aorta to the caudal artery.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0000014]
Name: intersegmental vessel
Synonyms: intersegmental vessels, intersomitic vessels, segmental vessel
Definition: Blood vessels that connect the dorsal aorta or the posterior cardinal vein and the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel. They run along the vertical myotomal boundaries. At early stages these vessels don't have venous or arterial markers.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0001285]
Symbol: GFP
Name: GFP
Previous Name: green fluorescent protein (1)

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Name: spatial pattern
Synonyms: distribution, pattern
Definition: A spatial quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's exhibiting repetition of placement of its parts.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0000060]