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Anatomy Ontology

mandibular sensory canal

Term ID
Sensory canal associated with the angular and dentary bones. Located anterior and ventral to and in close proximity with the preoperculo-mandibular sensory canal. The mandible sensory canal is bilaterally paired and does not meet at the mandibular symphysis. The mandibular lateral line canal has 3 neuromast located between the canal pores. Two neuromast are located in the portion of the can in the dentary bone. The third neuromast is located in the anguloarticular bone. The rostral end of the canal has a terminal pore adjacent to the mandibular symphysis. There are three more pores, two, at the posterior of the dentary and the anterior of the anguloarticular share a common epithelial pore. (1)
Appears at
Juvenile:Days 30-44 (30d-45d, 10 mm, adult fins/pigment)
Evident until
Adult (90d-730d, breeding adult)
  • TAO:0001814
Anatomy Ontology
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