
Reimschuessel, Renate

Person ID
Center for Veterinary Medicine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 8401 Muirkirk Road Laurel, MD 20708 USA
United States
(301) 210-4024
(301) 210-4685
Biography and Research Interest
1. Therapeutant Development for Aquaculture – Developing aquatic animal models of diseases for drug efficacy testing. Examples include studies of Saprolegniasis, a fungal infection of fish and a fish model of mycobacteriosis (fish TB). We have developed virulence mutants for these Mycobacterium marinum, with the goal of developing stains suitable for vaccines for use in both fish and humans.

2. Pharmacokinetics and Species Grouping for Drug Approvals – Characterizing pharmacokinetic profiles of different fish species to model drugs to develop a rational for grouping fish species for drug approvals.

3. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing - Developing standard methods for testing the antibiotic susceptibility profiles for aquatic microbes. Disk diffusion, agar dilution and broth microdilution techniques are being developed.
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Reimschuessel, R., E.B. May, R.O. Bennett, and M.M. Lipsky. Necropsy examination of fish. In: Veterinary Clinics of North America: Tropical Fish Medicine 18: 1988, pp 427-433.

Reimschuessel, R.: Postmortem Examination, In: M.K. Stoskopf, (Ed.), Fish Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa: W.B. Saunders Co., 1993, pp 160-165.

Kane, A.S., S.V. Jacobson, R. Reimschuessel: Construction and use of a large scale dosing system to expose fish to waterborne contaminants. In: G.K. Ostrander (Ed.) Techniques in Aquatic Toxicology, Boca Raton Fl. Lewis Pub. 1996, pp 589-607.

Reimschuessel, R: Necropsy Techniques in Aquarium Fish. IN: Kirk's Current Veterinary Therapy, Saunders, 1998 In press.

Reimschuessel, R., R.O. Bennett, E.B. May, and M.M. Lipsky: Retinoblastoma in a porkfish (Anisotremus virginicus, Linnaeus) and a brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus, Lesueur). Journal of Comparative Pathology 1989, 101: 215-220.

Reimschuessel, R., R.O. Bennett, E.B. May and M.M. Lipsky: Renal histopathological changes in the goldfish (Carassius auratus) after sublethal exposure to hexachlorobutadiene. Aquatic Toxicology 1989, 15: 169-180.

Hickey, J.T., R.O. Bennett, R. Reimschuessel, and C. Merckel: Biological indicators of environmental contaminants in the Niagara River: Histological evaluation of tissues from brown bullheads at the Love Canal-102nd Street dump site compared to the Black Creek reference site. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, New York Field Office, Cortland, NY.1990.

Reimschuessel, R. and M. K. Stoskopf: Octopus Automutilation Syndrome (OAS). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 1990, 55: 394-400.

Reimschuessel, R., M. K. Stoskopf and R.O. Bennett: Myocarditis in the common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). J. Comp. Path. 1990, 120: 291-297.

Reimschuessel, R., R.O. Bennett, E.B. May and M.M. Lipsky: Development of newly formed nephrons in the goldfish kidney following hexachlorobutadiene-induced nephrotoxicity. Toxicologic Pathology 1990, 18: 32-38.

Reimschuessel, R., R.O. Bennett, E.B. May and M.M. Lipsky: Renal tubular cell regeneration, cell proliferation and chronic nephrotoxicity in the goldfish (Carassius auratus) following exposure to a single sublethal dose of hexachlorobutadiene. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 1990, 8: 211-224.

Reimschuessel, R., R.O. Bennett, M.M. Lipsky: A Histological Lesion Classification System. Journal of Aquatic Animal Health 1992, 4: 135-143.

Reimschuessel, R., Williams, D.: Development of new nephrons in adult kidneys following gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity. Renal Failure 1995, 17(2):101-106.

Augusto, J., Smith, B., Smith, S., Robertson, J., and R. Reimschuessel. Gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity and nephroneogenesis in Oreochromis nilotica a tilapian fish. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 1996, 26: 49-58.

Jones, J., Kinnel, M. Christenson, R., and Reimschuessel, R. Gentamicin Concentrations in Toadfish and Goldfish Serum. J. Aquatic Animal Health 9:211-215. 1997.

Talaat, A.M., R. Reimschuessel, S.S. Waserman, M. Trucksis. mycobacterium marinum and the goldfish, Carassius auratus, A model system for mycobacterial pathogenesis. - Infection and Immunity 66(6): 2938-2942 1998.

Jacobson SV, and R. Reimschuessel. Modulation of superoxide production in goldfish (Carassius auratus) exposed to and recovering from sublethal copper levels. Fish and Shellfish Immunology. 8:245-259, 1998

Marselas, GA, M. K. Stoskopf, M. J. Brown, R. Reimschuessel. Abdominal Ascites in Electric Eels (Electrophorus electricus) Associated with Hepatic Hemochromatosis and Elevated Water pH, J. of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 29:413-418. 1998.

Nelson, K, Jones J, Jacobson S, Reimschuessel, R. Elevated BUN levels in goldfish as an indicator of gill dysfunction. J. Aquatic Animal Health 11:52-60. 1999.

Jacobson, SV,, M. Trucksis, A.S. Kane, R. Reimschuessel. Superoxide Production in Mycobacterium-stimulated goldfish (Carassius auratus) phagocytes following copper exposure. Am. J. Veterinary Research 60: 669-675. 1999

Talaat, AM, M. Trucksis, A. S. Kane, R Reimschuessel. Pathogenicity of Mycobacterium fortuitum and Mycobacterium smegmatis to Goldfish, Carassius auratus. Veterinary Microbiology 66: 151-164. 1999

Kane,AS, A. Baya, R. Reimschuessel, K.M. St Pe, C.A. Poukish, C.P. Driscoll. Field Sampling and Necropsy Examination of Fish. Virginia Journal of Science, 50, # 4 : 345-363. 1999.

Kane, AS , M.J. Dykstra , E.J. Noga, R. Reimschuessel, A. Baya, C. Driscoll , H.W. Paerl , J. Landsberg. Etiologies, observations and reporting of estuarine fish lesions. Marine Environmental Research 50: 473-477. 2000

Salice CJ, Rokous JS, Kane AS, Reimschuessel R 2001. New Nephron Development in Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Kidneys Following Repeated Gentamicin Nephrotoxicosis. Comparative Medicine 52:56-59, 2001

Armstrong, TN Reimschuessel, R., Bradley, B.P. DNA damage, histological changes and DNA repair in larval Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) exposed to ultraviolet-B radiation. AquaticToxicology 58(1-2):1-14. 2002.

Ruley, K, Reimschuessel, R., Trucksis, M. Goldfish as an animal model system for Mycobacterial infection. Methods in Enzymology. 358:29-39 2002.

Reimschuessel R, Gieseker CM, Driscoll C, Baya A, Kane AS, Blazer VS, Evans J, Kent ML, Moran JDW, Poynton SL. Kudoa clupeidae spores and myxosporean plasmodial infection, associated with ulcerative lesions in young Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus, (Latrobe) (Clupeidae) in a tributary of the Chesapeake Bay. Diseases of Aquatic Animals 53:143-166. 2003.

Shaikh, B, Rummel N, Reimschuessel, R. Determination of Albendazole and its major metabolites in the muscle tissues of Atlantic salmon, tilapia and rainbow trout by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorometric detection. J. Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 51(11) 3254-3259.

Miller RA, Walker RD, Baya A, Clemens K, Coles M, Hawke JP, Henricson BE, Hsu HM, Mathers JJ, Oaks JL, Papapetropoulou M, Reimschuessel R. Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Aquatic Bacteria: Quality Control Disk Diffusion Ranges for Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida ATCC 33658 at 22°C and 28°C. Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 41(9): 4318-4323. 2003.

Shaikh B, Rummel N, Gieseker C, Serfling S, Reimschuessel R. Metabolism and residue depletion of albendazole and its metabolites in rainbow trout, tilapia, and Atlantic salmon. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Therap . 26:421-428. 2003.

Trucksis M, Ruley K, Ansede J, Pritchett C, Talaat A, Reimschuessel R. Identification of Mycobacterium marinum virulence genes using signature-tagged mutagenesis and the goldfish model of mycobacterial pathogenesis. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 232:75-81 2004.

Borucinska JD, Harshbarger JC, Reimschuessel, R, Bogicevic T. Gingival neoplasms in a captive sandtiger shark, Carcharias taurus (Rafinesque), and a wild-caught blue share, Prionace glauca (L.). J. Fish Diseases 2004, 27:185-191.

Miller RA, Walker RD, Reimschuessel, R. Aquaculture Working Group Standardizes Methods for Bacteria Testing. Global Aquaculture Advocate Dec 2004.

Miller RA, Walker RD, Carson J, Coles M, Coyne R, Dalsgaard I, Giesker C, Hsu HM, Mathers JJ, Papapetropoulou M, Petty B, Teitzel C, Reimschuessel R. Standardization of a broth microdilution susceptibility testing method to determine minimum inhibitory concentrations of aquatic bacteria. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, IN PRESS.

Reimschuessel R, Stewart L, Squibb E, Hirokawa K, Brady T, Brooks D, Shaikh B, Hodsdon C. Fish Drug Analysis—Phish-Pharm: A Searchable Database of Pharmacokinetics Data in Fish. American Assoc. Pharma. Scientist J. IN PRESS