Wullimann, Mario F.
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Biography and Research Interest
My current research is focused on - but not restricted to - the embryonic/postembryonic development of the teleostean forebrain. Based on our previously established adult neuroanatomy of the zebrafish, we study now developmental aspects (morphogenesis, proliferation, prosomeres, radial glia, neurogenesis, neuronal phenotype development) using various cellular and molecular markers (e.g., early transcription factor expression, markers for neurochemical phenotypes, such as choline acetyltransferase, tyrosine hydroxylase, GABA) in comparison to similar data in the adult zebrafish brain. My background is comparative neurobiology, thus, the ultimate goal of my research is two-fold: (1) our analyses deliver detailed information on the phenotypic level for cross-comparisons between model systems, and (2) at the same time, we aim at furthering the general understanding of the zebrafish (teleost) brain in an evolutionary vertebrate context. Thus, while most of our studies deal with the zebrafish, we also investigate additional teleosts, amphibians (Xenopus), and mouse.
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Zeymer M; von der Emde; Wullimann MF (2018)
The mormyrid optic tectum is a topographic interface for active electrolocation and visual sensing
Front Neuroanat 12:79.
Wullimann MF (2017)
Should we redefine the lateral pallium?
J Comp Neurol 525: 1509-1513. doi: 10.1002/cne.24127. Epub 2016 Nov 3.
Karoubi N; Segev R; Wullimann MF (2016)
The brain of the archerfish Toxotes chatareus: A Nissl-based neuroanatomical atlas and catecholaminergic/cholinergic systems
Front Neuroanat 10, Article 106. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2016.00106.
Book Articles:
Wullimann MF (2016)
Nervous system architecture in vertebrates
In: Handbook of Evolutionary Neuroscience, Shepherd SV (ed), Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell. pp 236-278.
Wullimann MF (2014)
Zentrales Nervensystem (ZNS)
In: Spezielle Zoologie, Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere, pp. 70-80, 3. Auflage, Westheide W. & Rieger G. (Hrsg), Heidelberg, Springer
Wullimann MF; Grothe B (2013)
The central nervous organization of the lateral line system
In: The lateral line system, Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, 2014, Vol. 48: pp. 195-251, Popper A, Fay R, Coombs S, Bleckmann H (eds). Heidelberg-New York, Springer DOI 10.1007/2506 (eBook 2013 Aug 6)
Wullimann MF (2011) Basal ganglia: insights into origins from lamprey brains
Curr Biol 21: R497-500
Wullimann, M. and Vernier, P. (2006) Evolution of the Nervous System in Fishes. In Evolution of Nervous Systems, (J. Kaas, ed.) Elsevier, 5 Volumes.
Wullimann M. & D.G. Senn: Zur Morphologie der Lateralis-Innervation bei Mormyriden- Fischen (Brienomyrus spec. Taverne 1971, Mormyridae, Teleostei). Verhandl. Naturf. Ges. Basel 92: 63-72 (1981)
Wullimann M., W. Finck & D.G. Senn: A hypothalamic channel-system in the inferior lobes of a trigger-fish (Rhinecanthus aculeatus, Balistidae). Experientia 40: 725-727 (1984)
Wullimann M.F.: The hypothalamic, ventricular channel-system and its phylogenetic distribution among fishes. In: S.O. Kullander & B. Fernholm (eds), Proc. V. Int. Congr.Europ. Ichthyol.(Stockholm, 1985), pp. 65-72 (1987)
Wullimann M.F.: The tertiary gustatory center in sunfishes is not nucleus glomerulosus. Neurosci. Letters 86: 6-10 (1988)
Wullimann M.F. & R.G. Northcutt: Connections of the corpus cerebelli in the green sunfish and the common goldfish: A comparison of perciform and cypriniform teleosts. Brain Behav. Evol.32: 293-316 (1988)
Wathey J.C. & M.F. Wullimann: A double-label study of efferent projections from the Edinger- Westphal nucleus in goldfish and kelp bass. Neurosci. Letters 93: 121-126 (1988)
Northcutt R.G. & M.F. Wullimann: The visual system in teleost fishes: morphological patterns and trends. In: J. Atema, R.R. Fay, A.N. Popper & W.N. Tavolga (eds), Sensory Biology of Aquatic Animals, pp. 515-552, Springer, New York (1988)
Wullimann M.F. & R.G. Northcutt: Afferent connections of the valvula cerebelli in two teleosts, the common goldfish and the green sunfish.
J. Comp. Neurol. 289: 554-567 (1989)
Wullimann M.F. & R.G. Northcutt: Visual and electrosensory circuits of the diencephalon in mormyrids: an evolutionary perspective.
J. Comp. Neurol. 297: 537-552 (1990)
Wullimann M.F. & D.J. Rooney: A direct cerebello-telencephalic projection in an electrosensory mormyrid fish. Brain Research 520: 354-357 (1990)
Wullimann M.F. & D.L. Meyer: Phylogeny of putative cholinergic visual pathways through the pretectum to the hypothalamus in teleost fish.
Brain Behav. Evol. 36: 14-29 (1990)
Butler A.B., M.F. Wullimann & R.G. Northcutt: Comparative cytoarchitectonic analysis of some visual pretectal nuclei in teleosts. Brain Behav. Evol. 38: 92-114 (1991)
Wullimann M.F., D.L. Meyer & R.G. Northcutt: The visually related posterior pretectal nucleus in the non-percomorph teleost Osteoglossum bicirrhosum projects to the hypothalamus: A DiI study.
J. Comp. Neurol. 312: 415-435 (1991)
Wullimann M.F., M.H. Hofmann & D.L. Meyer: Histochemical, connectional and cytoarchitectonic evidence for a secondary reduction of the pretectum in the European eel, Anguilla anguilla: A case of parallel evolution. Brain Behav. Evol. 38: 290-301 (1991)
Wullimann M.F., M.H. Hofmann & D.L. Meyer: The valvula cerebelli of the spiny eel, Macrognathus aculeatus, receives primary lateral-line afferents from the rostrum of the upper jaw. Cell Tissue Research 266: 285-293 (1991)
Wullimann M.F. & G. Roth: Is the nucleus corticalis of teleosts a new cholinergic central nervous system for vertebrates? NeuroReport 3: 33-35 (1992)
Wullimann M.F. & D.L. Meyer: Possible multiple evolution of telencephalo-cerebellar systems in teleosts: Studies in Carassius auratus and Pantodon buchholzi. Cell Tissue Research 274: 447-455 (1993)
Wullimann M.F. & G. Roth: Descending telencephalic information reaches longitudinal torus and cerebellum via the dorsal preglomerular nucleus in the teleost fish, Pantodon buchholzi: A case of neural preaptation? Brain Behav. Evol. 44: 338-352 (1994)
Wullimann M.F.: The teleostean torus longitudinalis: A short review on its structure, histochemistry, connectivity, possible function and phylogeny. Europ. J. Morphol. 32: 235-242 (1994)
Roth G. & M.F. Wullimann: Evolution der Nervensysteme und der Sinnesorgane. In: J. Dudel, R. Menzel, R.F. Schmidt (Hrs.), Neurowissenschaft: Vom Molekül zur Kognition, pp. 1-31, Springer, Heidelberg (1996)
Wullimann M.F.: The central nervous system. In: Evans D.H. (ed), Physiology of Fishes, pp. 245-282, Vol. II, CRC Press, Boca Raton (1997)
Wullimann M.F.: Die Evolution des Wirbeltiergehirns: Gehirnbauplan, Phylogenetische Methode und fr ühe Entwicklungsgene. In: V. K önig & H. Hohmann (Hrsg.): Bausteine der Evolution (Symposium Übersee- Museum Bremen 1995), pp. 85-104, Edition Archaea, Schwelm (1997)
Wullimann M.F.: Major patterns of visual brain organization in teleosts and their relation to prehistoric events and the paleontological record. Paleobiology 23: 101-114 (1997)
Rink E. & M.F. Wullimann: Some forebrain connections of the gustatory system in the goldfish Carassius auratus visualized by separate DiI application to the hypothalamic inferior lobe and the torus lateralis. J. Comp. Neurol. 394: 152-170 (1998)
Wullimann M.F.: Brain phenotypes and early regulatory genes: the bauplan of the metazoan central nervous system. In: Roth G. & M.F. Wullimann (eds): Brain evolution and cognition, pp. 11-39, J. Wiley & Sons and Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, New York and Heidelberg (2000)
Wullimann M.F. & G. Roth: Problems in the study of brain evolution and cognition. In: Roth G. & M.F. Wullimann (eds): Brain evolution and cognition, pp. 1-7,J. Wiley & Sons and Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, New York and Heidelberg (2000)
Roth G. & M.F. Wullimann: Evolution der Nervensysteme und der Sinnesorgane. In: J. Dudel, R. Menzel, R.F. Schmidt (Hrs.), Neurowissenschaft: Vom Molekül zur Kognition, pp. 1-31, Springer, Heidelberg (2000, revised 2nd edition)
Wullimann MF, Rink E, Vernier P, Schlosser G (2005)
Secondary neurogenesis in the brain of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, as revealed by PCNA, Delta-1, Neurogenin-related-1, and NeuroD expression
J Comp Neurol 489(3): 387-402
Book articles
Vernier P, Wullimann MF (2009)
The posterior tuberculum
In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 1404-1413, Binder M.D., Hirokawa N., and Windhorst U. (Hrsg.), Heidelberg, Springer
Wullimann MF, Vernier P (2009)
Evolution of the brain in fishes
In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2: 1318-1326, Binder M.D., Hirokawa N., and Windhorst U. (eds), Heidelberg, Springer
Wullimann MF, Vernier P (2009)
Evolution of the telencephalon in anamniotes
In: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol 2: pp. 1424-1431, Binder M.D., Hirokawa N. & Windhorst U. (Editors-in-Chief) Heidelberg, Springer
Wullimann MF (2009)
Zentrales Nervensystem (ZNS)
In: Spezielle Zoologie, Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere, pp. 77-88, Westheide W. & Rieger G. (Hrsg), Heidelberg, Springer.