Ori, Michela
Biography and Research Interest
I am an Associate Professor of Cellular and Developmental Biology, and my research is focused on different aspects of brain and craniofacial development using Zebrafish as in vivo model systems.
I have a broad background in developmental biology, with specific training and expertise thanks to my laboratory training and the attendance of specific courses and masters "Animal models for Development and Disease” University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK European Molecular Biology Organization" (EMBO) 2004 - Course: "Zebrafish: an animal model in biomedical research", International Workshop, King’s College London - UK 2013).
My lab is now focused on the generation of new rare diseases models in zebrafish affecting brain and craniofacial development. Our approach and mission is also described in a paper by dr. Ellen P. Neff published on "Lab Animal" 2021 (
Our key-words are: neural crest cells, brain development, rare diseases, disease modeling.
I have a broad background in developmental biology, with specific training and expertise thanks to my laboratory training and the attendance of specific courses and masters "Animal models for Development and Disease” University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK European Molecular Biology Organization" (EMBO) 2004 - Course: "Zebrafish: an animal model in biomedical research", International Workshop, King’s College London - UK 2013).
My lab is now focused on the generation of new rare diseases models in zebrafish affecting brain and craniofacial development. Our approach and mission is also described in a paper by dr. Ellen P. Neff published on "Lab Animal" 2021 (
Our key-words are: neural crest cells, brain development, rare diseases, disease modeling.
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Naef V, De Sarlo M, Testa G, Corsinovi D, Azzarelli R, Borello U, Ori M. The Stemness Gene Mex3A Is a Key Regulator of Neuroblast Proliferation During Neurogenesis. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2020;8:549533. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.549533. eCollection 2020. PubMed PMID: 33072742
Corsinovi D, Giannetti K, Cericola A, Naef V, Ori M. PDGF-B: The missing piece in the mosaic of PDGF family role in craniofacial development. Dev Dyn. 2019 Jul;248(7):603-612. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.47
Naef V, Monticelli S, Corsinovi D, Mazzetto MT, Cellerino A, Ori M. The age-regulated zinc finger factor ZNF367 is a new modulator of neuroblast proliferation during embryonic neurogenesis. Sci Rep. 2018 Aug 7;8(1):11836. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-30302-2.
Giannetti K, Corsinovi D, Rossino C, Appolloni I, Malatesta P, Ori M. Platelet derived growth factor B gene expression in the Xenopus laevis developing central nervous system. Int J Dev Biol. 2016;60(4-6):175-9. doi: 10.1387/ijdb.160045mo.
Casini P, Nardi I, Ori M. Hyaluronan is required for cranial neural crest cells migration and craniofacial development. Dev Dyn. 2012 Feb;241(2):294-302. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.23715. Epub 2011 Dec 19.
Vitobello A, Ferretti E, Lampe X, Vilain N, Ducret S, Ori M, Spetz JF, Selleri L, Rijli FM. Hox and Pbx factors control retinoic acid synthesis during hindbrain segmentation. Dev Cell. 2011 Apr 19;20(4):469-82. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2011.03.011. PubMed PMID: 21497760;
Reisoli E, De Lucchini S, Nardi I, Ori M. Serotonin 2B receptor signaling is required for craniofacial morphogenesis and jaw joint formation in Xenopus. Development. 2010 Sep 1;137(17):2927-37. doi: 10.1242/dev.041079.