Podlasz, Piotr
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Biography and Research Interest
Non-Zebrafish Publications
1. K.Czaja, K. Wasowicz, M. Klimczuk, P. Podlasz, M. Lakomy. Distribution and immunohistochemical characterisation of paracervical neurons innervating the oviduct in the pig. Folia morphologica; (2001 vol.60 ,pp.205-211)
2. K.Wasowicz, P.Podlasz, K.Czaja, M. Lakomy. Uterus innervating neurons of pelvic ganglia in the pig: immunohistochemical characteristics. Folia morphologica; (2002 vol.61 ,pp. 15-20)
3. P. Podlasz, K. Wasowicz, J. Kaleczyc, M. Lakomy, R. Bukowski :Localization of immunoreactivities for neuropeptides and neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzymesin the pterygopalatine ganglion of the pig. Vet. Med. Czech, 48, 2003 (4): 99-107
4. A. Wojtarowicz, P. Podlasz , K. Czaja: Adrenergic and cholinergic innervation of pulmonary tissue in the pig. Folia morphologica. Vol. 62, No. 3, pp. 167-142
5. A. Franke-Radowiecka, J. Calka, K. Wasowicz, P. Podlasz, J. Kaleczyc: The study on the NADPHd-positive innervation of the porcine mammary gland. Pol J Vet Sci. 2004;7(3): supl..41-43.
6. M. Klimczuk, J. Kaleczyc, A. Franke-Radowiecka, K.Czaja, P.Podlasz, M. Lakomy (2003). Immunohistochemical characterisation of cholinergic nerve fibres supplying accessory genital glands in the pig. Vet. Med. Czech, 50, 2005 (3): 119-211;130.
7. R. Bukowski, P.Podlasz, K. Wasowicz,: Ptasie przeciwciala IgY - zalety i zastosowania. Postepy Biologii Komorki, tom 32 2005 nr 4 (597-602).
8. P. Podlasz, K. Wasowicz “Neurochemical characteristics of paracervical ganglion in the pig.; Vet. Med. Czech 53, 2008 (3): 135-146
9. M. Lakomy, A. Winnicka, K. Wasowicz, J. Zmudzki, J. Kaleczyc, W. Sienkiewicz, P. Podlasz "Changes in the content of neuropeptides in intestinal lymph nodes of pigs suffering from experimental Brachyspira hyodysenteriae infection"; Veterinarni Medicina, 54, 2009 (7): 315-211;323
10. M. Wozny, P. Brzuzan, M. K. Luczynski, M. Gora, L. Wolinska, R. Bukowski, P. Podlasz "CYP1A expression in liver and gills of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) after short-term exposure to dibenzothiophene (DBT)"; Chemosphere, Volume 79, Issue 1, March 2010, Pages 110-112.
11. J. Kaleczyc, P. Podlasz, A. Winnicka, W. Wasowicz, W. Sienkiewicz, J. Zmudzki, M. Lakomy. "Characterization of Autonomic Nerve Markers and Lymphocyte Subsets in the Ileal Peyer's Patch of Pigs Infected Experimentally with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae"; Journal of Comparative Pathology, 2010 Nov;143(4):248-57
12. Soikkeli J, Podlasz P, Yin M, Nummela P, Jahkola T, Virolainen S, Krogerus L, Heikkila; P, von Smitten K, Saksela O, Holtta; E. "Metastatic Outgrowth Encompasses COL-I, FN1, and POSTN Up-Regulation and Assembly to Fibrillar Networks Regulating Cell Adhesion, Migration, and Growth. American Journal of Pathology. 2010 May 20.
13. Zalecki M, Podlasz P, Pidsudko Z, Wojtkiewicz J, Kaleczyc J. "Vagal projections to the pylorus in the domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica)";. Auton Neurosci. 2012 Oct 23. pii: S1566-0702(12)00169-5. doi: 10.1016/j.autneu.2012.10.001. [Epub ahead of print]