Vernier, Philippe
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Biography and Research Interest
Non-Zebrafish Publications
Wullimann, M. and Vernier, P. (2006) Evolution of the Nervous System in Fishes. In Evolution of Nervous Systems, (J. Kaas, ed.) Elsevier, 5 Volumes.Moret, F., Christiaen, L., Deyts, C., Blin, M., Joly, J-S. and Vernier, P. (2005) The dopamine-synthesizing cells of the sensory vesicle of the tunicate Ciona intestinalis are located only in a hypothalamus-related domain: implications for the origin of vertebrate catecholamine systems. Eur. J. Neurosci., 21: 3043-3055.
Moret, F., Christiaen, L., Deyts, C., Blin, M., Vernier, P. and Joly, J-S. (2005) Regulatory gene expressions in the ascidian ventral sensory vesicle: evolutionary relationships with the vertebrate hypothalamus. Dev. Biol. 277: 557-566.
Weltzien F-A., Pasqualini C., Vernier P. and Dufour S. (2005) A
quantitative real-time RT-PCR assay for European eel tyrosine
hydroxylase. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 142: 134-142.
Dufour S, Weltzien FA, Sebert ME, Le Belle N, Vidal B, Vernier P. and Pasqualini C. (2005) Dopaminergic inhibition of reproduction in teleost fishes: ecophysiological and evolutionary implications. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1040: 9-21.
Fuentes, M., Schubert, M., Dalfo, D., Candiani, S., Benito, E., Gardenyes, J., Odoy, L., Moret, F., Illas, M., Patten, I., Permanyer, J., Oliveri, D., Boeuf, G., Falcon, J., Pestarino, M., Garcia-Fernandez, J., Albalat, R., Laudet, V., Vernier, P. and Escriva, E. (2004) Preliminary observations on the spawning conditions of the european amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) in captivity. J Exp Zool. Part B Mol Dev Evol, 302:384-391.
Moret, F., Guilland, J-C., Coudouel, S., Rochette, L. and Vernier P. (2004) Distribution of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system of amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum): Implications for the evolution of catecholamine systems in vertebrates. J. Comp. Neurol.. 468: 135-150
Sidhu, A., Wersinger C., and Vernier, P., (2004) Does a-synuclein modulate dopaminergic synaptic content and tone at the synapse? (Review) FASEB J. 18: 637-47.
Sidhu, A., Wersinger C., and Vernier, P., (2004) a-synuclein regulation of the dopaminergic transporter: a possible role in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. (Review) FEBS lett., 265: 1-5.
Wersinger C, Vernier, P., and Sidhu, A. (2004) Trypsin disrupts trafficking of the human dopamine transporter by alpha-synuclein and its a30p mutant. Biochemistry 43: 1242-1253.
Le Crom, S., Sugamori, KS, Sidhu, A., Niznik, H.B. and Vernier, P. (2004) Delineation of the conserved functional properties of the D1A, D1B and D1C dopamine receptor subtypes in vertebrates. Biol. Cell, 96: 383-394.
Alunni, A., Blin, M., Deschet, K., Bourrat, F., Vernier, P. and Rétaux, S. (2004) Cloning and developmental expression patterns of Dlx2, Lhx7, and Lhx9 in the medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Mech. Dev, 121: 977-983
Vernier, P., Callier, S., Moret, F., Snapyan, M., Wersinger, C. and Sidhu, A. (2004) The degeneration of dopamine neurons in Parkinson's disease : Insights from embryology and evolution of the meso-striato-cortical system. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1035: 231-249.
Wersinger C, Prou, D., Vernier, P., Niznik H. B. and Sidhu, A. (2003) Mutations in the lipid-binding domain of a-synuclein confer overlapping, yet distinct, functional properties in the regulation of dopamine transporter activity. Mol. Cell Neurosci., 24: 91-105.
Wersinger C, Prou, D., Vernier, P. and Sidhu, A. (2003) Modulation of dopamine transporter function by a-synuclein is altered by cell adhesion impairment and oxydative stress. FASEB J. 17: Doi: 10.1096/fj.03-0152fje
Le Crom, S., Kapsimali, M. Barome, P.O. and Vernier, P. (2003) Dopamine receptors for every species: Gene duplications and functional diversification in Craniates (a review). J. Struct. Funct. Gen., 3: 161-176
Callier, S., Snapyan, M., Prou, D., Vincent J-D and Vernier, P. (2003) Evolution and cell biology of dopamine receptors. (Review) Biol. Cell 95: 489-502
Kapsimali, M., Le Crom, S. and Vernier, P. (2003) A natural history of vertebrate dopamine receptors. In : Dopamine receptors and transporters. M. Laruelle, A. Sidhu and P.Vernier (eds.) Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, pp. 1- 43.
Christiaen, L., Burighel, P., Smith, W.C., Vernier, P., Bourrat, F. and Joly, J-S. (2002) Pitx genes in tunicates provide new molecular insights in the evolutionary origin of the pituitary gland. Gene, 287:107-113
Le Crom, S., Prou, D. and Vernier, P. (2002) Autocrine activation of adenosine A1 receptors blocks D1A but not D1B dopamine receptor desensitization. J. Neurochem., 82:1549-1552.
Pasqualini, C., Guivarc’h, D., Barnier, J-V., Guibert, B., Vincent, J-D. and Vernier, P. (2001) Differential subcellular distribution and transcriptional activity of SE3, SE4 and SE3-4 isoforms of the rat estrogen receptor-a. Mol. Endocrinol., 15: 894-908.
König, S., Guibert, B., Morice, C., Vernier, P. and Barnier, J-V. (2001) Phosphorylation by PKA of a site unique to B-Raf. C.R. Acad. Sci. III, 324: 673-681.
Bachy, I., Vernier, P. and Retaux, S. (2001) The LIM-homeodomain gene family in the developping brain of Xenopus: Similarities and divergences with the mouse related to the evolution of the forebrain. J. Neurosci., 21: 7620-7629.
Gu, W-J., Prou, D., Le Crom, S., Maltais, S., Vincent, J-D., Salamero, J. and Vernier, P. (2001) Overexpression of the two isoforms of the D2 dopamine receptor disrupts endoplasmic reticulum in heterologous cells. J. Cell. Science, 114: 3517-3527.
Kapsimali, M., Bourrat, F. and Vernier, P. (2001) Distribution of the orphan nuclear receptor nurr1 in medaka (Oryzias latipes) : cues to the definition of homologous territories in the vertebrate brain. J. Comp. Neurol., 431:276-292
Roubert C., Sagné, C., Kapsimali, M., Vernier, P., Bourrat, F. and Giros, B. (2001) A Na+/Cl-dependent transporter for catecholamines, identified as a norepinephrine transporter (meNET), is expressed in the brain of the teleost fish medaka (Oryzias latipes). Mol. Pharmacol. 60: 462-473.