Fig 1

Figures for Schmidt et al., 2024
Figure Caption

Fig 1 Examining excitatory and inhibitory neuron differentiation in gsx1y689.

(A-F) Max projections of confocal z-stacks of Tg(slc17a6b:DsRed) and Tg(dlx5a/6a:GFP) at 6 dpf in gsx1+/+ (wildtypes), gsx1y689/+ (heterozygotes), and gsx1y689 (mutants). Scalebar = 100μm. White dashed oval (A-C) outlines pretectal region missing slc17a6b in gsx1y689. (G-Iiii) Max projection of confocal z-stacks (~20μm) of pretectal region using Tg(slc17a6b:DsRed) (magenta) and HuC/D antibody (neurons, green) at 6 dpf. Cyan = SYTO59, nuclei. Scalebar = 50μm. (J) Bar graph with no significant differences found in total number of pretectal neurons by assessing HuC/D and SYTO59 staining across genotypes (single factor ANOVA F(2,43) = 2.05, p = 0.14). (K) Bar graph of average percentage of Pr slc17a6b-positive neuron counts out of HuC/D positive cell counts, gsx1+/+ (n = 11), gsx1y689/+ (n = 19), gsx1y689 (n = 16), F(2,43) = 3.21, p < .001. Post-hoc analysis of single factor ANOVA revealed slc17a6b/HuC/D ratio for gsx1+/+ (79.72 ± 2.64) is significantly different from gsx1y689/+ (63.95 ± 2.92, p<0.001) and gsx1y689 (28.63±1.7, p<0.001). There is also a statistically significant difference between slc17a6b/HuC/D ratios in gsx1y689/+ and gsx1y689 (p<0.001). Power factor greater than 80% for all genotypes, p<0.05.

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