Relative levels of synaptic protein between genotype and age groups. a No significant effect was observed in PSD95, a clustering protein in the excitatory neurotransmission system. b The levels of AMPA receptor subunits GluR2/3 were altered significantly depending on the genotype, and ache animals were characterized with lower levels of GluR2/3 at an old age. c Genotype effect was also significant on the levels of NR2B, an NMDA receptor subunit, and ache animals had significantly lower NR2B levels at both young and old ages. d The elements of the inhibitory neurotransmission system including GEP and GABA-a1 (e) were not significantly altered depending on the genotype and age of the animals. f The levels of SYP, a presynaptic integrity marker, showed an increase at older ages but this age effect was significantly driven by ache mutants, not the wildtype zebrafish. The group means + SE are represented. *: p <0.05, **: p <0.01.
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