Fig. 6

Figures for Lencer et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 6 Transplant and smo overexpression experiments in cdon/boc double mutants suggest a possible non-autonomous role. (A,B) Wild-type (A) and mutant (B) tNCCs transplanted into wild-type hosts. Double mutant cdon;boc tNCCs migrate normally in wild-type hosts when transplanted into the trunk (B, 3/3 embryos). (C, top) tol2 constructs used for rescues. Dorsal view of a 10-somite embryo shows mosaic expression in adaxial cells. (C, bottom) Mosaic expression of smoa1-eGFP in adaxial cell progenitors. (D) Lateral view of slow-twitch muscle morphology (F59; magenta) and tNCC streams (yellow) in a double mutant embryo injected with control eGFP construct. (E) Quantification of NCC ventral migration (as percent of somite length) in control- and smoa1-eGFP-injected embryos. Colors indicate qualitative rescue of the NCC stream. Control injected, n=4 embryos; smoa1a-eGFP injected, n=8 embryos. (F-H) Representative images of smoa1a-eGFP-injected embryos. (F) Left side of an embryo where tNCC migration (yellow) was not rescued. (G) Right side of same embryo where tNCC migration was rescued. Note the slow-twitch muscle fiber morphology (magenta). (H) Mosaic expression of smoa1a-eGFP (cyan). Arrows indicate segments with qualitatively rescued tNCC streams. Asterisks label segments with non-rescued streams, ‘p’ labels a representative ‘partial rescue’.

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