Fig. 3

Figures for Hau et al., 2023
Figure Caption

Fig. 3 Loss of Smyhc1 reduces swimming velocity. Zebrafish larvae from smyhc1kg179/+ in-crosses in fish water were assayed for swimming activity upon touch stimulation with a pipette before and then after transient treatment with 50 ​μM fast myosin inhibitor BTS. A) Schematic describing workflow. B–F) Quantification of velocity (mean ​± ​SD, N ​= ​indicated on bars) on fish of indicated ages were obtained using at least three separate lays from heterozygous smyhc1kg179/+ in-crosses. Full dataset is in Table S1. Note the log10 scale on the Y-axes to show both control Fish Water and BTS-treated data accurately. Summary Tukey post hoc statistics for separate two way ANOVAs on Fish Water and BTS-treated are shown below. In each case, the upper table shows the overall significance, whereas the lower table shows the Tukey post hoc significance levels for the overall effects of genotype independent of age. Values of within-age Tukey post hoc test comparisons are indicated above graphs (black lines and p-values), none of which had p ​< ​0.05 in Fish Water. To mitigate the effect of changing variance due to the increase in velocity with age and large effect of BTS, individual one way ANOVAs on genotype were performed at each age and Tukey post hoc tests supported the reduced velocity of mutants in Fish Water at 2 and 5 dpf only (green lines and p-values).

Figure Data
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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 499, Hau, H.A., Kelu, J.J., Ochala, J., Hughes, S.M., Slow myosin heavy chain 1 is required for slow myofibril and muscle fibre growth but not for myofibril initiation, 47-58, Copyright (2023) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.