Fig. 1

Figures for George et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Fig. 1

Zebrafish rerea homozygous mutants exhibit enlarged optic stalk and optic fissure margins that are not apposed. Brightfield images of live fish embryos (A, F), ventro-lateral angle focused on the optic stalk [OS] and histology sections of wild-type (B, C) and rerea mutant (G, H) zebrafish embryos (24 hpf) where OS (black arrow) is present on the ventral side of the eye (lateral view). Brightfield images (D, I) and histology sections of wild-type (E) and rerea mutant (J) zebrafish embryos (24 hpf) depicting optic fissure margins that are far apart (square bracket) on the ventral side of the eye (lateral view). Schematic of plane of histology sections (K). Quantification of area of the eye (L) and optic stalk (M). Distance between optic fissure margins of brightfield images (N) and histology images (O) displayed as a box and whisker plot with dots indicating individual measurements and the horizontal bar the median value. Student's t-test was applied for P values. Scale bar is 20 μm.

Figure Data
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