Fig. 2 Behavioral phenotypes in zebrafish ASD gene mutants
(A and B) Experimental setup and behavioral assays. Visual-startle: Larvae are exposed to five 1-s flashes of lights-off or -on stimuli at 29-s intervals at 5 dpf. Sleep-wake: Larvae are exposed to a 14 h:10 h white light:dark schedule at 5–7 dpf. Visual-startle and sleep-wake parameters are shown (see STAR Methods).
(C) Hierarchical clustering of mutant behavioral fingerprints. Each rectangle represents the signed -log10-transformed p values from linear mixed models (LMM) comparing mutant and background-matched wild-type fish (red, increased in mutant; blue, decreased in mutant). Behavioral parameters from startle-off (light blue), startle-on (orange), and sleep-wake (purple) are shown. All mutant lines are shown except katnal2, which lacks consistently significant behavioral features (Figure S2A). Three mutant lines andtransheterozygotes (scn1labΔ44/Δ5) are shown for scn1lab. Behavioral features shown in individual graphs (D–G) are outlined in cyan. Mean and SD values for all groups and beta and p values for all behavioral parameters are shown in Table S2.
(D–G) Significant behavioral phenotypes in ASD gene mutants: increased responses to lights-on stimuli, daytime hypoactivity, and night-time hyperactivity in scn1labΔ44/Δ44 (D); decreased responses to lights-off stimuli and daytime hypoactivity in dyrk1aaΔ77/Δ77dyrk1abΔ8/Δ8 (E); decreased daytime sleep bout length in chd8Δ5/Δ5 (F); and daytime hyperactivity in tbr1aΔ64/Δ64tbr1bΔ10/Δ10 (G). Sleep-wake time series graphs in (D–G) show a rolling average of activity data points every 50 min. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001, ∗∗∗p < 0.001, ∗∗p < 0.01 (one-way ANOVA).
(H) Correlation analysis across all 24 behavioral parameters identifies three sub-groups with related phenotypes: (i) scn1labΔ44/Δ44, chd8Δ5/Δ5, cntnap2aΔ121/Δ121cntnap2b31ins/31ins; (ii) pogzaΔ23/Δ23pogzbΔ20/Δ20, dyrk1aaΔ77/Δ77dyrk1abΔ8/Δ8, cul3aΔ7/+cul3bΔ32/Δ32; and (iii) tbr1aΔ64/Δ64tbr1bΔ10/Δ10, kdm5baΔ17/Δ17kdm5bbΔ14/Δ14, grin2baΔ25/Δ25grin2bbΔ64/Δ64.