Fig. 3
Disrupted MAPK and redox regulation and elevated susceptibility to thermal stress detected in gills of dusp1-deleted fish measured at three temperature-time points (28 °C, 38 °C 4 h, 8 °C 12 h)
A: KEGG enrichment analysis of DEGs between dusp1-/- and WT treated at different temperatures. B: Markedly reduced expression of mitochondrial-related genes in KEGG “oxidative phosphorylation” pathway identified in dusp1-/- versus WT zebrafish at three temperatures. Log2 transformation of gene fold-change is indicated by the color-coded scale. C: DCFH-DA probe for ROS in the gills of dusp1-/- and WT zebrafish under different temperature treatments. Scale bar: 50 µm. D: Statistics of ROS fluorescence intensity detected in the gills of temperature-treated dusp1-/- and WT fish with ImageJ software. Statistically significant results between dusp1-/- and WT zebrafish are indicated by asterisks. Level of expression in WT (28 °C) was used as a normalizing factor and set to 1. Sample size: n=6 for each measurement, one-way ANOVA, **: P<0.01. E: Western blot assays of activated caspase-3, reflecting severity of mitochondrial-dependent apoptosis. ACTB was used as the loading control.