Figure 2
Rab6a vesicle trafficking is reduced in rgp1-/- chondrocytes (A) Experimental design for mosaic overexpression of WT mCherry-zRab6a fusion protein in Tg(Col2a1α:caax-eGFP) transgenic zebrafish chondrocytes for live imaging. (B) Representative images from movies of mCherry-zRab6a vesicular compartment movement in chondrocytes ( Supplemental Movies 1, 2). (C) Montage of mCherry-zRab6a puncta progression at specific times in WT and rgp1-/- chondrocytes (yellow arrowheads) showing path of indicated vesicle over time (white line). (D) Quantification of vesicular compartment distances traveled in WT and rgp1-/- chondrocytes. Red lines indicate means. (E) Quantification of vesicular compartment speeds in WT and rgp1-/- chondrocytes. Red lines indicate means. Significance is presented by ****p<0.0001.