Fig. 1
(A) Schematic of the developing wing pouch where the Wg expression along the DV boundary develops into the adult wing margin. Optical images of the adult fly wing upon overexpression of UAS-LacZ or UAS-IRF2BPL constructs with nub-GAL4 at 18°C. (B) Wnt pathway in the developing wing pouch at the DV boundary. (C and D) Third instar larval wing disc upon overexpression of UAS-LacZ or UAS-IRF2BPL with nub-GAL4 at 18°C and stained with anti-Wg or Wnt downstream targets anti-Cut and anti-Sens (C) or the wg-lacZ reporter gene (D). Note the absence of Wg or its downstream responders by the arrows. (E) IRF2BPL protein structure and schematic of deletion constructs. (F) Third instar larval wing disc upon overexpression of UAS-IRF2BPL constructs with nub-GAL4 at 18°C and stained with anti-Wg or Wnt downstream targets anti-Cut and anti-Sens. Scale bars, 40 μm.