Figure 6
Figure 6 ALKO developed a dysfunctional heart. (A) RT-qPCR of ALKO ventricles at 5 mpf represented downregulation of calcium handling regulators: tropomyosin 4-2 (tpm4b) and ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 2b (atp2a2b). In ALKO group, values of tpm4b = 0.258 ± 0.0201 and atp2a2b = 0.3882 ± 0.0341. (B) Heart rate assay revealing ventricle contraction. The heart rhythm analysis displayed impaired cardiac function in the ALKO compared to the control group at 120 hpf. Values of Ctrl = 194.538 ± 11.5407 and ALKO = 184.304 ± 13.0617. (C) End diastolic diameter showed no significant difference in ALKO group. Values of Ctrl = 86.7763 ± 19.9123 and ALKO = 96.595 ± 11.7485. (D) End systolic diameter increased in 120 hpf ALKO larvae. Values of Ctrl = 64.4851 ± 15.8247 and ALKO = 77.7095 ± 9.718. (E) The fraction shortening assay showed that the ALKO group exhibited a significant decrease compared to the control group. The fraction shortening, calculated as end-diastolic diameter (EDD) and end-systolic diameter (ESD), was measured in % as FS% = (EDD-ESD)/(EDD) × 100%. Percentage of Ctrl = 26.284 ± 6.1512 and ALKO = 19.5556 ± 2.185. Statistically significant differences from the controls are indicated by * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, and *** p < 0.001.