Figure 1
Immunospecificity of antibodies against phosphorylated Grk1 and Grk7.A, FLAG-tagged, purified recombinant zebrafish Grk1a and Grk1b treated in vitro with either λ phosphatase or PKA⍺ catalytic subunit were subjected to immunoblot analysis. Immunoblots were probed with antibodies against the FLAG-tag (green) and phosphorylated Grk1 (red) followed by incubation with secondary antibodies. B, Adult zebrafish were light- or dark-adapted, euthanized, and retinal homogenates subjected to immunoblot analysis. Immunoblots were probed with antibodies against Grk1 (green) and phosphorylated Grk1 (red), followed by incubation with secondary antibodies. C, Larvae at 5 dpf were light- or dark- adapted, followed by incubation with forskolin or vehicle (dimethyl sulfoxide [DMSO]) for 30 min. Larvae were euthanized and intact eyes were harvested for immunoblot analysis. Immunoblots were probed against Grk7 (green) and phosphorylated Grk7 (red) with anti-Grk7 antibody directly conjugated to CF770 and anti-phosphorylated Grk7 antibody directly conjugated to CF680. Panel C was spliced for clarity due to noncontiguous loading on the same gel.