Fig. 4
a GO analysis showing biological processes associated with downregulated transcripts in DKO hearts. Yellow represents mitochondria-associated terms, while pink shows heart muscle terms. b Pie chart depicting the proportions of differential alternative splicing events in each category. Abbreviations: Skipped exon (SE), mutually exclusive exon (MXE), alternative 3’ splice site (A3SS), alternative 5’ splice site (A5SS), and retained intron (RI). c Volcano plot showing the inclusion level difference (IncLevDiff; CTRL Inclevel - DKO Inclevel) and False Discovery Rates (FDR) for differential alternative splicing events (0 uncalled replicates; FDR < 0.01; |Incleveldifference | >0.1). d Schematic representing differential alternative splicing events of select transcripts between CTRL and DKO hearts. Blue arrows define primer sites used in the RT-PCR assay to calculate percent spliced in (PSI) shown in (e). e RT-PCR validation of 3 alternative splicing events identified by rMATS. PSI is shown. Sample sizes and Statistics: For RNA-sequencing, n = 8 biological independent replicates per cohort with 35–70 pooled hearts per replicate.