Figure 3

Figures for Khrystoforova et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Figure 3

Craniofacial deformities of adult lrp5 mutant. (A) Adult lrp5-/- display major deformities of neuro- and viscera- craniums. (B) Schematic representation of morphometrical parameters measured na- nasofacial angle, pd- parasphenoid distance between its edges. (C, D) Nasofacial angle at 3mpf and 6mpf is significantly bigger in lrp5-/- compared to lrp5+/+, meanwhile parasphenoid distance is significantly shorter in lrp5-/- adult fish at 3 and 6mpf (E, F). (G) Parasphenoid bones of lrp5-/- are severely deformed and display a similar fracture pattern, outlined in yellow. (H) 40% of lrp5-/- fish displayed malformed parasphenoid at 3mpf and 38.4% at 6mpf within lrp5-/- group. At 3mpf and 6mpf lrp5+/+ display no indication of parasphenoid deformities.(Scale bar 500µm, 3mpf n =13-15 fish, 6mpf n =12-13 fish, t-test).

Figure Data
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