Fig. 6
Comparative proteomics in Mtm1 KO mice treated with VPA. Proteomes were obtained from 35 day old skeletal muscle extracts. a Principal component analysis (PCA) plot of each group showing that protein expression of VPA treated KO mice is more similar to WT controls than it is to PBS treated KOs. b Volcano plots showing differentially expressed proteins (DEPs) between groups of interest (p value < 0.05, log2FC > 0.585). c Venn diagram highlighting DEPs that are shared or unique to PBS KOs and selected associated GO enrichment terms. Given that only 13 DEPs were identified between VPA KO and WT PBS, this comparison highlights changes primarily between KOs. d Heat map visualization of enriched GO terms. Arrows indicate pathways that were improved by VPA treatment. e Western blot showing VPA treatment increases p-ERKT202/Y204 levels in Mtm1 KOs (Two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-test; n = 4 each). f Western blot showing VPA treatment increases p-FAKY397 levels in Mtm1 KOs (Two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post-test; n = 4 each)