Figure 1

Figures for Taznin et al., 2022
Figure Caption

Figure 1

The crlf3 gene is expressed in hematopoietic and other tissues during zebrafish embryogenesis. (A–R). WISH with sense (s) or antisense (as) crlf3 probes at the indicated time points on wild-type embryos (wt/wt, A–G, J–P) or those injected with 1 mM standard control morpholino (sc mo, H) or lycat morpholino (lycat mo, I) or bathed from 56 hpf in DMSO vehicle control (DMSO, Q) or JAK3 inhibitor (JAK3 inh, R). Embryos are dorsal view with anterior to the left (A, B, D, F, L, N, Q, R); anterior view with dorsal to the left (C); lateral view with anterior to the left (E, J, K, M), except panel O that is ventral view with anterior to the left and P is anterior view with dorsal to the top. The indicated structures are: AC (adaxial cells), ALM (anterior lateral plate mesoderm), DMMB (dorsal midline of midbrain), EP (exocrine pancreas), ICM (intermediate cell mass), PLM (posterior lateral plate mesoderm), R (retina), and T (thymus).

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