Fig. s10

Figures for Aman et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Fig. s10 Generation of tbx6 mutant allele. (A) Diagram of Tbx6 protein sequence showing location of sgRNA target sites in relation to the T-Box DNA binding domain and the previously reported ti1 allele. (B) Genomic location and genetic lesion of the tbx6 mutant. sgRNA target sequences indicated with red text. (C) At two days post fertilization, tbx6 mutants displayed the classic fused-somites phenotype and lacked visible somites. Scale bar, 100 μm.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 477, Aman, A.J., Kim, M., Saunders, L.M., Parichy, D.M., Thyroid hormone regulates abrupt skin morphogenesis during zebrafish postembryonic development, 205-218, Copyright (2021) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.