Figure 2

Figures for La Spina et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 2 Pt elicits mitochondrial superoxide generation in HeLa cells. (a) MitoSOX™ fluorescence response elicited by Pt. The cells in curves iv) and v) were pretreated, respectively, with 1 mM NAC (60 min) or 5 μM BAPTA-AM (20 min), and continued to be incubated with these agents also during treatment with Pt. The arrow indicates the addition of Pt. Mean values + SEM. (b) NAC antagonizes Pt-induced TFEB migration to the nucleus. TFEB migration in HeLa cells exposed to the indicated conditions for 3 hours. Mean values + SEM. N > 53 cells for each tested condition, from at least 4 separate experiments. (c) Pt inhibits Complex I activity in permeabilized RLM. Mean values + SEM; N = 6.

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