Figure 8
Behavioral comparison between wild-type and eed−/− mutants at 5 dpf: (a) locomotor tracking for a 70 min recording of an eed−/− mutant (left) and a wild-type (right) larvae; (b) distance traveled throughout a 70 min session for wild-type (red, n = 11) and eed−/− mutant (green, n = 16). Data are presented as mean ± SD of the distance moved (in mm) in 2 min intervals. Black and white bars at the bottom indicate dark and light conditions, respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using two-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni posttest comparisons; ns, non-significant; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; (c) cumulative distance traveled for each wild-type (red) and mutant (green) larvae during the light (left) and dark (right) periods. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni posttest comparisons; ns, non-significant; ***, p < 0.001; (d) the experimental procedure for the thigmotaxis assay is composed of a 6 min acclimatization period with the light ON followed by a 4 min visual motor challenge period with the lights OFF. Experiments are performed in a 24-well plate format. Inner and outer zones are delineated by the green circle in a way that the two zones cover equivalent spatial areas. The distance traveled during the dark challenge period is shown for two larvae; (e) cumulative distance traveled in the outer zone of wild-type (red, n = 10) and eed−/− mutant (green, n = 16) larvae. Each point represents individual larvae. No statistical (ns) difference was found between wild-type and eed−/− mutants; (f) cumulative time spent in the outer zone of wild-type (red, n = 10) and eed−/− mutant (green, n = 16) larvae. Each point represents unique larvae. No statistical (ns) difference was found between wild-type and eed−/− mutants.