Fig. 7
(A) Pictures of adult zebrafish showing absence of scoliosis.
(B) Occurrence of scoliosis in some of the progeny of triple
(C) OCT images of anaesthetized adult zebrafish revealed enlarged telencephalic ventricles (highlighted with dashed red line) in animals with cilia defects. Transverse section taken as indicated by red dashed line in (D).
(D) Quantification of ventricular size in all animals as a function of body length.
(E) SD projection of OCT images of adult brain explants showing absence of overt brain malformations in cilia mutants.
(F and G) Quantification of the telencephalic width (F) and length (G) as a function of body length.
(D, F, and G) R-squared indicate the linear relationship between body length and the measurements as shown in red. Left: all controls pooled. Others: all controls in gray, sibling controls in black, and mutants in blue. p value based on rank sum between sibling controls indicated in black and blue. Examples shown are highlighted in the scatterplot with a hashtag symbol.
D, dorsal; V, ventral; A, anterior; P, posterior; Tel, telencephalon; TeO, optic tectum.
See also