Figure 2

Figures for Chebli et al., 2021
Figure Caption

Figure 2

Localization of App protein to cilia of the olfactory sensory neurons and otic vesicle in 31 hpf larvae. Cilia as shown by immunostaining for acetylated tubulin (magenta) and App (green) of the olfactory sensory neurons in the nose epithelium (A) and the otic vesicle (BC). In (A), dotted lines demarcate the cilia from the nasal cavity (see asterisk). (A’) App (green) is found along the cilia and accumulating at their base. Otic vesicle of 24 hpf (B) and 31 hpf larvae (C). In (B), glutamylated tubulin (cyan) highlights the base of the cilia outlined by acetylated tubulin staining (magenta). (B) Overview of the kinocilia and stereocilia of the otic vesicle. The white asterisks indicate accumulation of App (green) at the base of the cilia bundles. (B’) Magnification of cilia outlined in (B). (B’’) Increased intensity of the green channel to detect App (arrows) in kinocilia. Otic vesicle in 31hpf zebrafish larvae (C) with close-up (C’) showing App puncta (green) along the kinocilia. Intensity profiles of acetylated tubulin (magenta) and App (green) staining from the kinocilia (DF). In (D), the intensity profile of the whole length of the kinocilium is plotted whereas profiles of cross-section lines are plotted with a visible App puncta (E) and without (F). The dotted lines (C’) indicate the kinocilium and cross-sections. Magnification: (AC) = 40×. Scale bar: (A) = 5 µm, (B) = 10 µm, (B’) = 4 µm, (B’’) = 2 µm, (C) = 10 µm.

Figure Data
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