Figure 6

Figures for Hahn et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Figure 6 Early expression of <italic>ntrk3b</italic> is seen throughout the head at 24 hpf using whole mount in situ hybridization.

(A and C) At 16.5 hpf, no expression was detected. (B and D) Expression was seen in the telencephalon (black arrows), the diencephalon (white arrows), the midbrain (red arrows), the hindbrain (blue arrows), and otic vesicle (black arrowhead). (A and B) Lateral view. (C and D) Dorsal view. e, marks the eye, cb, marks the cerebellum, and chb, marks the caudal hindbrain. All embryos are oriented with the head to the left. This data is representative of the results of three rounds of in situ hybridization with at least 25 embryos per round.

Figure Data
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