Fig. 5

Figures for El Maï et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

Mutation of p53 prevents short telomeres-induced tissue degeneration, Akt activation, ROS accumulation and induction of senescence.

(A and E) Representative haematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of gut (A) (scale bar: 40 µm) and testis (E) (scale bar: 25 µm) from 6-month-old WT, tert-/-, tp53-/- and tert-/- tp53-/- siblings (N = 3 fish each);. Mutation of tp53 in tert-/- fish rescues short-telomere induced tissue defects. (B and F) Representative western blot analysis of AKT-p and SOD2 in gut (B) and testis (F) (N = 2 fish each). Mutation of tp53 in tert-/- fish prevents phosphorylation of AKT and downstream downregulation of SOD2 leading to a rescue of increased ROS levels (C and G; N = 3 fish per genotype). (D and H) Representative images of SA-β-GAL staining of gut (scale bar: 40 µm) (D) and testis (scale bar: 25 µm) (H) from 6 month-old WT, tert-/-, p53-/- and tert-/- p53-/- siblings (N = 3 fish). Data are represented as mean ± SEM (** p-value<0.01, using t-test).

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