Fig. 10

Figures for Brandt et al., 2020
Figure Caption

Fig. 10 Phosphatase PP2A plays an inhibitory role in zebrafish Hippo signaling. (A) Schematic of LB100 treatment. (B-C′) Images of ctgfa:d2GFP+ wild-type and sav1−/− larvae at 7 dpf, treated with PBS or 20 µM LB100; liver is indicated by a dashed yellow line. Scale bar: 100 μm. (D) Mean pixel intensity of ctgfa:d2GFP reporter in livers, as outlined in B. Data are mean±s.d. Two-way ANOVA with Tukey's multiple comparisons, P values are as indicated. PBS sav1+/+ or sav1+/−, n=42; PBS sav1−/−, n=18; 20 µM LB100 sav1+/+ or sav1+/−, n=41; 20 µM LB100 sav1−/−, n=18. (E) Model for PP2A function in Hippo pathway signaling of the biliary system.

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