Fig. 7

Figures for Lanni et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. 7 Regulation of size in schleier requires functional kcnk5b. A-C) Representative pictures of growth phenotypes of zebrafish with altered potassium channel function. A) Wild-type adult zebrafish; arrowhead, end of barbel. B) schleier heterozygote. C) schleier heterozygote fish harboring somatic deletion clones within kcnk5b, (gkcnk5b); asterisk demarcates reduction of overgrowth phenotype of the barbel and anal fins. D) Deletions detected in kcnk5b from reverted anal fins in affected mutants. Blue highlight = targeted sequence. E-G) Reversion of schleier overgrowth phenotypes after abrogation of kcnk5b function. E) Barbel length relative to standard length (STL). F) Size of segments within anal fin rays. G) Anal fin length relative to STL. For E-G, mean ​± ​SEM is shown for each panel. n.s., not significant; **p ​< ​0.01 calculated using a one-way ANOVA with a Tukey’s multiple comparisons test; n ​= ​7–24 fish per genotype.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 456(2), Lanni, J.S., Peal, D., Ekstrom, L., Chen, H., Stanclift, C., Bowen, M.E., Mercado, A., Gamba, G., Kahle, K.T., Harris, M.P., Integrated K+ channel and K+Cl- cotransporter function are required for the coordination of size and proportion during development, 164-178, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.