Fig. S1

Figures for Espenschied et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. S1

Quantification of Acridine Orange stained lumenal material and response of Tg(ubb:seca5-tdTomato) larvae to Glafenine exposure.

(A) Brightfield and fluorescence images (range indicator lookup table and grayscale) of DMSO and Glafenine treated larvae from a representative experiment (li =liver; sb = swim bladder; b = intestinal bulb; y = yolk; nm = neuromast).

(B) Representative AO line scan fluorescence traces for larvae shown in (A).

(C) Scatter dot plot of integrated intestinal AO from the same experiment in a [the points colored red correspond to the larvae shown in (A)]. Significance determined by unpaired two-sided Student’s t-test.

(D) Cumulative frequency distribution plot of data from (C) fit with 3-parameter least squares regression (significance was determined by extra-sum-of-squares F-test, rejecting the null hypothesis that one curve would fit both datasets).

(E,F) Images of Tg(ubb:seca5-tdTomato)xt24 DMSO- and Glafenine-treated 6 dpf larvae and quantification (each dot corresponds to an individual larva). Significance was determined by unpaired two-sided Student’s t-test.

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