Fig. 3

Figures for Frikstad et al., 2019
Figure Caption

Fig. 3

Ciliary Localization of CSPP-L at Motile and Primary Cilia

(A) CSPP-L detection by post-embedding IEM of mouse tracheal epithelial cells. Panels depict close ups of (i) cilia tips, (ii and iii) basal bodies, (iv) cilia axonemes, and (v) apically localized electron-dense particles.

(B and C) IFM of mouse tracheal epithelial cells showing axonemal MTs (glutamylated tubulin, red) and CSPP-L (B, green) or Sentan (C, green). Right panels show magnifications of indicated regions.

(D and E) 3D-SIM IFM of hTERT-RPE1 cells expressing monomeric NeonGreen (mNG)-CSPP-L and co-stained for centrosomal marker γ-tubulin (white) and cilia membrane marker ARL13B (red). Scale bars in magnified areas, 500 nm.

mNG-CSPP-L decorates axonemal MTs throughout the transition zone and concentrates at the tip (D and E). Centriolar satellite localization is frequently found and exemplified in (E) and Figure S4C.

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